Regular hours will resume Saturday, Aug. m. Muscatine seeks Marine Highway Project designation for port The City of Muscatine is moving forward with plans to develop an intermodal container port on the. -3:30 p. 3. Windrowthe rows ofleavesandgrass clippings to. Commercial Haulers can access the Compost Depots for an annual fee. m. Phone: 563-264-1550 Fax: 563-264. m. Monday through Friday, from 9 a. MUSCATINE, Iowa ± Changes are coming to the Compost Site at the Muscatine Transfer Station on South Houser Street. m. 24, 2016, but will be open on Friday, Nov. It must mean it is spring! Just like many of you who have waited patiently for winter to leave, all of us are anx-ious about the upcoming spring season. m. Last Load On Scale at 11:45 a. m. Starting at noon on Monday, Nov. m. CITY OF MUSCATINE 215 SYCAMORE STREET MUSCATINE, IA 52761 PH. Waste in any paper bag along with tree limbs and other trimmings can be taken to the Compost Facility during normal hours operation. The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will be closed for Independence Day. MAY 21 , 201 9 IT IS THE LAW ± KEEP YARD WASTE IN YARD, NOT STREETS Grass clippings on road safety hazard; problem in storm water management MUSCATINE, Iowa ± You have seen the commercials on television, posts. The agreement is for one year with the option for renewal of two years. m. m. on Saturdays. m. Posted 3:44:10 PM. For more information on the compost site, visit or call 563. m. In return, Country Stone's ability to provide wood mulching and screening of compost would continue to assist with operational budget expenses for the Compost Site. The site is located at the Muscatine Transfer Station, 1000 S. m. Muscatine Compost Site will open on March 30th and will be open until the second Sunday of December (weather permitting). -6 p. Saturday (Dec. m. m. The compost facility will open for the season at 12 p. The site isMUSCATINE, Iowa – The Muscatine compost site will be open during extended hours to allow residents to clean up their storm debris. The Compost Facility will remain open until Sunday, December 6, 2020, when the facility will be closed until the spring. Mon-Fri 7am-3:30pm Sat 9am-2:30pm. Sunday. The City will provide a Compost SiteAttendantduring operational hours for Compost Site use only. Stickers would normally be available for pickup at the Transfer. m. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 00 ) during Compost Site operating hours ( 12-6 p. In return, Country Stone's ability to provide wood mulching and screening of compost would continue to assist with operational budget expenses for the Compost Site. m. m. The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will be closed for Independence Day. m. 31 (pending weather conditions) 9 a. during Compost Site operating hours (12-6 p. "I remember Muscatine for its sunsets. Sunday-Friday, and 9 a. m. The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will be open today through Monday (Dec. at the Muscatine Compost Site for no cost to residents during business hours. m. Sunday through Friday and. The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station, 1000 S. m. Contact. -5 p. West Compost Depot. The Compost Site at the Transfer Station on South Houser Street will remain open throughout the fall season, weather permitting , and will be open from 12-6 p. 14, for residents to bring brush. Station during regular business hours before depositing waste at the compost site. m. 1000 South Houser Street Muscatine, IA 52761. The Compost Facility is at 1000 South Houser St. Regular hours for the Compost Facility are 12. Contact the Muscatine Transfer Station at (563) 263-9689. -6 p. The compost site gates will be open on weekdays from 7 a. City of Muscatine and City of Fruitland can transport leaves to the Muscatine Compost Facility for free. c) Residents of Muscatine and Fruitland can drop off yard waste free of change with proof. the Compost Facility during normal hours operation. -3:30 p. m. m. Call the Muscatine Transfer Station at 563-263-9689 with questions regarding the Compost Site. Publication by the City of Muscatine, Solid Waste Division of Public Works Spring has Arrived! The snow is almost melted at the Muscatine Compost Site and the grass is turning greener each day. Facilities The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will close an hour earlier starting Tuesday, according to David Popp, solid waste manager for the City of Muscatine. . -3:30 p. Windrowthe rows ofleavesandgrass clippings to. , Muscatine , will open for the season on Saturday , March 19 , according to David Popp , Solid Waste Manager for the City of Muscatine . , Muscatine, will resume normal seasonal hours on Saturday, April 3, 2021. The City will provide a Compost SiteAttendantduring operational hours for Compost Site use only. MUSCATINE – Iowa – The Compost Facility will open for the season at 12 p. and Saturday 9 a. m. Work requires that employees of this class maintain the Compost Site. Sunday. with the site unattended. m. The Department of Natural Resources ( DNR). Compost Site: News Release - Muscatine Compost Site Extending the Season for 2014 Contact: Laura Liegois - Solid Waste Manager Due to weather conditions, the Muscatine Compost Site is extending the Season for 2014. with the site unattended. Today's hours (Tuesday, March 7th) will be 7:00 a. m. View Details. Non. View recycling and waste collection sites map. (Compost Site Opens ). , Muscatine and open from noon until 5 p. m. The facility accepts yard waste, brush, and logs from Muscatine and. 3. m. m. Muscatine Compost Facility to open to public on March 19 (PDF) 03-0623 : Five police officers are promoted during ceremony Friday (PDF) 03-03-23 :. to 5 p. Houser St. m. John. For more information about the facility, visit COMPOST SITE on the City of Muscatine website. m. Directions. The compost site gates will be open on weekdays from 7 a. The agreement is for one year with the option for renewal of two years. The Compost Site at the Transfer Station will remain open throughout the fall season, weather permitting. m. Houser St. m. For. m. m. m. m-6 p. m. September 9th to November 13th - 9 AM to 5:00 PM,. Saturdays. a) Yard waste is collected on a residents refuse collection day but only in bags with the City of Muscatine logo on them. , and Saturday 9 a. The Muscatine Compost Facility is located at the Muscatine Transfer Station, 1000 South Houser Street, and is open late March to mid December, based upon the weather. m. COMPOST AVAILABLEThe Muscatine Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station on South Houser Street will be open extended hours, 9 a. Materials for pick up will only be picked up in City of Muscatine Yard Waste Bags. Frequently Asked Questions. A small fee is charged to non-residents and commercial users. Yard Waste Collection; Muscatine Compost Facility; Muscatine County Landfill (operated with an agreement with the Solid Waste Management Agency. -7 p. today, April 4, due to severe weather predicted for this afternoon. Leaf collection delayed; compost facility hours change Leaf collection delayed; compost facility hours change Snow covered leaf piles 111219 (JPG) Opens in new window MUSCATINE, Iowa – The leaf collection efforts by Department of Public Works crews has been delayed due to the snow covered and fr. The City will provide a Compost SiteAttendantduring operational hours for Compost Site use only. m. CITY OF MUSCATINE 215 SYCAMORE STREET MUSCATINE, IA 52761 PH. FREE DROP OFF WEEK IS COMINGStaff recommends the City of Muscatine enter into an agreement with Country Stone for services to remove access materials from the Compost Site. The request for bids detailed the cost for 24 hours of grinding service and a per hour cost after the 24 hours. on Saturdays and Sundays in March. Last Load On Scale at 11:45 a. The Muscatine Compost. The request for bids detailed the cost for 24 hours of grinding service and a per hour cost after the 24 hours. m. Muscatine Compost Site. News Flash • Muscatine, IA • CivicEngage. m. EXTENDED HOURS FOR COMPOST SITE The Compost Site at the Muscatine Recycling Center and Transfer Station, 1000 S. Muscatine County Sanitary Landfill. The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will be open today through Monday (Dec. m. Houser St. Muscatine Transfer. Saturday). Publication by the City of Muscatine, Solid Waste Division of Public Works Spring has Arrived! The snow is almost melted at the Muscatine Compost Site and the grass is turning greener each day. m. MUSCATINE, IA 52761 PRESS RELEASE PH. The Compost Facility at the Muscatine Transfer Station will be closed for Independence Day. CITY OF MUSCATINE 215. , Muscatine, will open for the season on Saturday, March 19, according to David Popp, Solid Waste Manager for the City of. time to properly maintain a compost site. Station during regular business hours before depositing waste at the compost site. Sunday through Friday, and from 9 a. However, residents of Muscatine and Fruitland can take these bags to the Compost Facility at their. The hours for the rest of the season are noon-5:30 p. - 6 p. In the event of severe weather or major snow fall, the compost. The compost site is open to Muscatine residents 12-6 p. m. . Houser St. Sunday through Friday and from 9 a. on Saturday. Regular hours will resume Saturday, Aug. Sunday-Friday, and 9 a. The City operates the Muscatine Compost Site for residents and businesses in Muscatine, Iowa. 18), and 12-5 p. In celebration of Thanksgiving, City Hall, the Transfer Station, the Muscatine Compost Site, and Muscatine Art Center will be closed on both Thursday, Nov. m. m.